With its roots in Hinduism, the Om symbol is said to represent the one-ness of all creation, including the heavens, earth and underworld. Others say it is the representation of the three Hindu gods, Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. Some say the actual shape of the symbol represents the syllables of the word: the ‘three’ being the Sanskrit letter for ‘aahh’, the small ‘s’ is the ‘oooh’ and the half moon at the top is the ‘mmm’ sound. Om is considered one of the most powerful mantras, and the ritual of chanting Om has been done for thousands of years. The lotus flower blooms on the surface of water with its roots deep in the mud – a symbol of light and emergence from darkness. In Buddhism, the lotus blossom represents the heart opening. Buddhists compare the opening of the lotus flower petals to the unfolding of what is divine within you. It is a perfect reflection of new beginnings, purity and enlightenment. A closed bloom is the heart with its infinite potential for enlightenment, waiting to unfold.This is an Aum and Lotus Flower Charm for Ginger Snap Noosa and any other snap jewelry items size 18MM - 20MM charms. Show your desire for peace and happiness with this beautiful glass charm. 3D Rhinestone Drill Snaps Chunk BraceletsCharm Button Fit For Noosa Leather Bracelets, necklaces, earrings, sunglasses, rings, pendants and keychain tags. Create your own jewelry in a snap with this beautiful fashion jewelry. I offer free shipping to the United States only.
Thank you for checking out my beautiful classy fashion interchangeable snap jewelry! I have many of these sets myself and I wear them while riding on my Harley Davidson Motorcycle, sitting on a beach by the ocean in between scuba diving and snorkeling, and with a sundress going to church. This jewelry is so versatile it can be worn for any occasion!